Join the South Texas Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives as we host our Spring Lunch-N-Learn offering 1.5 Face-To-Face Education Credits.
Title: Diversity: Fostering Inclusion of LGBT Patients
Description: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) patients face many challenges in accessing knowledgeable, unbiased and welcoming healthcare in all practice settings. The potential and/or fear of receiving derogatory remarks, unequitable care, or being turned away from treatment often deters some of the LGBT community and their families from seeking healthcare services. Healthcare equality for all people is a guiding principle of the healthcare management profession. However, discrimination towards the LGBT community continues in the healthcare environment today. This panel discussion will focus on the need to strengthen the pursuance of equity of care and to foster inclusion of LGBT patients and employees.
Our moderator, Amy Stone, Ph.D of Trinity University is an accomplished sociologist who has recently published research on this topic and excited to share / discuss. Join her and our panelists for what is sure to be an enlightening and professionally broadening luncheon. Your ticket includes lunch consisting of Brisket, Smoked Turkey, and Pulled Pork along with all the fixings. Alcohol is available for purchase separately.
12:00 PM – 12:30PM Registration/Networking/Lunch
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Diversity: Fostering Inclusion of LGBT Patients
Moderator: Amy Stone, Ph.D of Trinity University
Panelist #1: Howard Rogers, LMFT; Executive Director, Alamo Area Resource Center
Panelist #2: Peter Andrew Guarnero, R.N.,Ph.D.,M.Sc.; Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing, UTHSCA & Director of Nursing, Pride Community Clinic
Panelist #3: Marcos Garcia; Associate Director, Healthcare Equality Project, Human Rights Campaign Foundation
REGISTRATION FEES (ACHE Member / Nonmember/ Student)
Before March 23nd: $30 / $40 / $20
After March 23rd: $35 / $45 / $25
No Refunds or Cancellations after April 1, 2020
For questions, contact Brian Turner, MHA, MBA, FACHE at